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--| The Institute  Natyam |--

“ Natyam – Natyakalakshetra ”, allows one to experience enlightenment through dance. We strongly believe in promoting our heritage. We have nurtured the talent and grace of learners for over 20 years . 


At Natyam, dancers master a tool to express our culture and heritage in its myriad forms. Having gone through the discipline of learning Bharatanatyam dance, they learn to respect all art forms. Students are taught to be the custodians of our heritage as they have been exposed to the links that have held many art forms together.Bharatnatyam is the dance that encompasses Music, Rhythm and Abhinaya. At Natyam we strictly adhere to Natyashastra, the scripture of classical Indian dance.


Our teaching methods:

Teachings are imparted with technique Adavu, the basic steps of dance style. We strictly follow Bharatanatyam repertoire that covers Laya, Jati, Bhangima, Abhinaya. Focus is on nritya which is achieved by a combination of movements and positions involving the feet, limbs, and body, along with hand gestures and facial expressions. 

Training starts with introducing different elements of the technique such as basic stance and its deviations, the foot ,arm, and neck movements culminating in the face and eye movements. We emphasise on expression. Once the learner goes through the rigorous Repertoire he/she progresses towards ARANGETRAM that refers to the Graduation ceremony where the Guru presents the Pupil to the Public stating that the disciple has completed the formal training.

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